How to Develop Intuition – Part 1
In this post, tools on how to develop intuition will be introduced and how to clear the pathways for clearer insights.
Intuition is innate to everyone. There are many ways to develop your intuition. And many valid methods to help you tap into your intuition. Some may work for you and some not. So it’s important not to give up until you find the method that works for you.
Each one of us is unique and has different levels of perception. Some may have great visioning skills and see detailed scenes and pictures. Some others can hear guidance being spoken or sent as a thought-form. Many can feel and just know something.
All these different skills are wonderful, amazing and can help you step into a fuller life. It can help you make better decisions. It can help you assess people and situations better. And it can bring a sense of inner peace as you learn to see beyond the physical reality and explore deeper truths.
Intuition is innate, but it needs to be developed.
It’s the difference between a child who can draw beautifully and the one who becomes an artist. Or the person who has a talent for music and another who practices for hours every week.
Mastering this ability takes dedication to the practice and application of the information.
What is intuition
There are many ways we perceive information, but we’ve learned to focus on what we can see, touch, smell, taste or hear.
Information can be received through dreams, daydreaming, sensations such as a change in temperature, palpitation, tightness or lightness, etc. It can also come as thoughts, impressions, visions, emotions, and knowing.
There are different levels of intuition. The basic level is more of a gut feeling. It is the intuition that keeps us safe.
More refine levels of intuition can increase integrity, self-awareness, and divine guidance.
When we tap into this level of awareness, we stop living from a place of powerlessness towards the current and ebb and flow of life. We acquire a sense of resilience and confidence that we are the driving force of our vehicle and life direction.
Thinking back to times when you had an intuitive hit that got confirmed, can you remember how you received that information? Did you follow through?
When actively seeking clarity over a question, how do you usually receive the answer?
Key elements to develop clearer intuition
There are a few elements that assist in gaining clear and accurate information. My philosophy though is to work from where you are and make the changes that you can. There is no point in working against your body if you are only going to create more resistance.
So don’t get discouraged if you are having difficulty changing habits in any of these areas. Do what you can in each moment. Ask for help if you need to, and get the right kind of support.
1 – Nutrition
Paying attention to how you feel when you eat certain food will help you pinpoint which diet might be best for you.
Keeping yourself hydrated is also key to receiving body signals. My feeling about this is that our body comprises mostly of water. Since water is conductant, the information travels more easily when it is abundant and balanced within the body.
Electrolytes also seem to play an important role. Electrolytes, in particular, regulate the heartbeat. A strong regular heartbeat helps to maintain and strengthen the electromagnetic field. A strong electromagnetic field is also key to accurate intuition. Electrolytes are found in fruits and vegetables, especially greens ones, squash, tomatoes, bananas, beans/lentils, and coconut water.
2 – Self-Care
Getting enough quality sleep is key for physical and mental sharpness and agility. I need many hours of sleep. I used to feel guilty for not being able to get up at 5 am (but then, who said you need to get up at dawn to be spiritual anyways….). Again, work with where you are and do what works for you.
Electronics in the bedroom
Make sure your body is able to repair itself at night by minimizing sleep and energetic disruption.
Remove electronics from the bedroom and turn off your modem at night to reduce the impact of radiation and microwaves on your energy field.
In addition, you may take iodine supplements to help your body detoxify.
Grounding Pad
Adding a grounding pad to your bed may also be beneficial in reducing free radical build-up caused by electromagnetic waves, wifi and other types of radiation. Some people have found a grounding pad reduced chronic pain, inflammation, and tension. And helped them sleep better.
I also prefer 100% cotton sheets, which is better for grounding energies than polyester or mix fabric.
Exercising helps you be more in your body, which is necessary to feel what is going on.
Soul nourishment
3 – Environment
Physical Clutter
Our spaces is a reflection of our inner state of being. It reflects where and how we hold on to unresolved emotions or unproductive beliefs.
Look around your space and notice how the organization and the objects in your space symbolize a part of you or your life.
Let go of anything that doesn’t make you happy.
Detrimental frequencies – LED & fluorescent
Cultural / Family Mindset
Everyone is subject to certain reality boxes that limit their potential. These reality boxes comprise all the beliefs, fears, unresolved traumas and wounds, superstitions, folk stories, etc.. that your parents, culture, religion adhered to. Even if you don’t consciously buy into the ideas, you would be surprised to discover they affect you a lot more than you realized.
So, go on a treasure hunt to find all the stories, expressions, and beliefs from your childhood that ridicule or fear intuition, psychic gifts, magic, miracles, etc…
When you think about your desire to develop and use your intuition, is there a little voice that comes up? What is it saying? Who are you hearing?
Static from People and Places
High-density cities produce more psychic static from people’s thoughts and emotions. Nature can be helpful in reducing that busy human energy. If possible, find a quiet and secluded place to go and spend a few hours to a few days. Do not bring any electronics and learn how to be with yourself.
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