What people have said about their healing sessions

I suffered from extreme burnout and have been on a journey of spiritual exploration and self healing. I was at a stage where I needed some blocks cleared so that I could push forward from feeling stuck at the middle of the fork in the road.

I signed up for a 3-session energy healing with Amelie and started my first session the following week. Going into it I was not sure what to expect, or if I would feel anything from it mentally or physically. All I knew was if I didn’t try, I wouldn’t make any further progress.

At my first session upon entering Amelie’s space, she was very warm and inviting, sensitive and kind. I felt safe, comfortable and could sense that she is someone you can trust and be open with.

Within minutes of Amelie starting her process, I felt a physical sensation of energy moving in my jaw area. Throughout the session, I was brought to tears as a few blocks were being cleared, even though no words had been spoken. Afterwards, I felt a lot lighter, there was less tightness in my chest, and the area where I normally clench my jaw was not nearly as tense. Overall, I found the experience to be very positive and profound. Amelie was able to clear the blockages and provide clarity on where and why they originated.

I would highly recommend booking time with Amelie. She is a master at her craft and an extraordinary asset in my healing journey. – Amanda, British Columbia

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The changes I experienced over 6 sessions with Amelie were very subtle, almost unnoticeable at first, but accumulated overtime resulted in a profound positive impact in my life.
I feel an improvement in my general sense of well-being. I feel more calm, accepting and grounded. I don’t understand how the healing works, but I do know that it worked for me in a profound way. A lot of my physical ailments improved as well. Thank you! – Christa, British Columbia

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Amelie has amazing intuitive abilities that helped me tremendously. I must say I was somewhat skeptical before our sessions, but experienced great results almost immediately. I highly recommend Amelie. A true professional! – Judy, British Columbia

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I had not idea what spiritual healing was about. Two things held me back, one was the cost and second was the fear of what would be discovered. I was desperate to find some inner peace. I am supporting so many others and I am finding it difficult to find support for myself. The most important positive outcome of the sessions has been that it has opened my body to other emotional healing. – Josh, British Columbia

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Amelie has such a welcoming presence and I appreciated all of her incredible insights – to reveal the energies or emotions that are not serving me going way back to childhood. It has helped me to show kindness to myself and validate the parts of me that I have been searching to understand. The sessions have truly allowed me to let go of some of the self-hatred I have had about my insecurities and personality and feel an empathy for myself that I haven’t allowed myself to feel for my entire life – so for that I am eternally grateful to you Amelie.


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When I met Amelie I was in a really sad part in my life. I felt stuck with a bunch of different feelings. Thru the sessions, I saw the big picture for I was feeling at that moment. Amelie was amazing in every session, she told me things that no one knew about. Now, I feel really happy, relief and I don’t feel anymore what I was feeling before I saw her. A few things and feelings move for good in my life. Amelie is really amazing at her work !! – Adrianna, British Columbia

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It was really, really helpful to have Amelie connect different time periods to trauma. I hadn’t even considered those certain periods and events in my life to be particularly traumatic. After our sessions, however, I was able to put a name to my experiences, and to realize how they affected me emotionally. Being fully aware has allowed me to now really heal those past hurts and to prevent them from any longer affecting my present life and reactions. I feel that I’m becoming much more balanced and no longer have an immediate fight or flight response to stressful situations. – Vanessa, British Columbia

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I just want to send a big love out to Amelie St-Pierre, (heart emoticon) whom I met at the last North Van DWA, I knew as soon as I met her, she was a powerful healer and I want to tell you today about my experience. I booked her root chakra healing treatment that she does as a distance healer. I ordered it online and she let me know what day she would be working on me… which was yesterday. (she didn’t specify the time though)
When I got home from work, around 5, I immediately felt quite tired so I laid down for a little (very unusual for my as I have 4 kids and 5pm is usually BUSY BUSY MOM time). I actually zoned out and felt a lot of things moving in my body. (I had been forewarned from her that I might feel like this) so I wasn’t worried, more amazed knowing that I was being worked on!! Later that night she sent me an email of the findings of my chakra clearing – which were extremely accurate ( the moments of my life which I locked limiting beliefs into my chakra), extremely accurate and thought-provoking.
After a really deep sleep, I felt rested and did a chakra yoga sequence to help the opening process. Today was pretty unique too, although I know the treatment will still be taking effect over the next few days, even today, I felt a little more sure in my steps, I was given an unexpected bonus from my boss and I feel a definite shift of confidence. And this is after 1 day. All I can say is I have been to many energy healers, Amelie’s treatment (from distance) was more powerful than many many other healers I’ve met. I’m excited to see the shifts and changes this brings to my life because I KNOW I had some major blockages moved. – Mia, Nova Scotia

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Thank you so much for all your work. I absolutely feel like it’s helped me immensely, and will continue to, as I move through a major life transition. Very shortly, I’ll be quitting my super cushy, financially stable job and taking a journey into self-employment, which was wholly inconceivable for me even a short time ago. So much fear, a lack of self-worth and low confidence were present, as you know! However, now I feel very much energetically lightened from your work. Super interesting when the brain, out of habit, throws out a negative thought and there is no emotional resonance left to feed it. Makes it that much easier to recognize the thought as mental junk, replace it with something more constructive, and move forward. Thank you for helping me release these stuck and limiting energies and get back in touch with my “true self”, the one who knows I am whole, capable of manifesting my desired reality and safely supported by the universe in doing so. Another thing I’ve noticed is a massive surge of creative energy, which is fueling this need to express myself authentically and share the results of my innate gifts and talents with like-minded souls. Before, I wasn’t really sure I had any value to provide, but now I understand and know that I do! – Michelle, Yukon

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I continue to find spiritual intuitive healing to be interesting and the work Amelie has done for me and my family is an experience I will not forget. Amelie knew very specifics parts of my life down to details. I have experienced this with Amelie on Wednesday meditations, but to work more closely with her, for a direct answer I needed to fears that I was living within the current moment was very insightful to me. We all walk through life experiencing what is on the surface and if I can take anything from this work she did for us, I feel that she has taught me to be more aware of my life and others on all levels in order to heal. The healing she did for me has taken effect and while it was for something very specific within myself and my house, I feel that some of the energies cleared are on a more general level in my life. Clearing some of my fear has given me my power back to be more confident here in my home but has also led me to unexpected opportunities outside of my home that I acted with confidence in. Spiritual healing is a very powerful skill and while it is hard to “see” the outcome, I can feel it in all parts of my body and mind and spirit allowing me to be the very best me. – Adrienne, British Columbia

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I felt relieved, enjoyable, and more positive about myself and the world around me for a while. I was able to focus more on completing personal tasks and life goals. I had a positive outlook on my family and were be able to be compassionate with others. I was deeply in touch with my emotions on a higher level than before. For about a year, I did not have suicidal thoughts, fear, stress, and anxiety. Spiritual healing is a gateway to heal one’s spiritual energy and to promote personal strength from within. You are healed from the inside-out; you will gain inner strength; you will be more open-minded to the world around you and yourself. Amelie did an amazing job. She is dedicated, kind, and so helpful. – Hoang, Vietnam

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You will never know if you don’t try! – Thank you to my friend for recommending Amelie. Thank you, Amelie, for working with me in your respectful and patient way. I have felt seen and heard with my struggle and always got answers to my questions if things were unclear to me. I appreciated that a lot. I feel a lot clearer, I also seem to handle emotional situations with more distance (= I can hop out of a vicious cycle of bad thoughts more easily than before). I am still awed at all the subtle changes in my life and I will still need more time to let everything settle a bit. Wow! Thanks! – Katrin, Germany

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Something interesting happened today. I saw my Naturopath today and she is very in tune with energy, etc. She asked me what you were doing which I couldn’t really explained well but she said:” Whatever she is doing to you, I can see a small change in you so let her keep doing whatever she is doing. I rarely say that to my clients, most of the time I feel bad because I have to tell them to stop seeing whomever they are seeing” – Anonymous

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Very powerful internal shifts happened for me, which took such effort (and frustration) to chisel at myself. I feel as though a dense blanket, and fog like veil has been lifted from my heart and eyes. A lightness of being has returned after years of heaviness. My confidence, strength and joy has increased. I feel less pressure internally and more willingness/receptivity to a natural, unforced flow in my day-to-day life. You brought insight to things I did not have answers for, which helped birthed compassion and acceptance towards shadow parts of myself. – Kailey, British Columbia

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I was honestly was a little apprehensive and nervous and skeptical that this type of spiritual healing could work. But after a conversation with Amelie, it got me excited about this healing journey. The most positive outcome I experienced after our 3 sessions is that I have an inner freedom from the deep resentment towards my husband.. I have clarity and insight now that I never had before and can physically feel the change inside me…it is hard to explain..but I feel like a presence somehow that was living within is no longer there? The inner sickness from my codependency feels like it has been shattered! I have freedom..fear is gone.. Thank-you Amelie! – Susanne

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I come from a very strong science background. I was very skeptical of this entire process but my wife convinced me to try this. Too many things were continually going wrong in all aspects of my life so I was desperate to try anything. After the 3 sessions, many of the challenging situations I was facing started working themselves out. I also felt more at peace with the anxiety around these challenges. Science cannot explain everything. Working with Amelie changed my perception of spiritual healing. – Mebs, British Columbia

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I wanted to better myself so decided to take a leap of faith and work with Amelie as she made me feel comfortable. Overall, I feel less anxious and more “trusting the process”. I also feel like my confidence and sense of worth has increased. I feel more inclined to “live my truth.” My relationships have improve all around. Feeling more trusting of people and feeling like people trust me more. I am being more positive. – Anonymous

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The cost held me back at first, but I saw the transformation of Amelie’s work with someone else and I was tired of feeling awful. I experienced a release of a dark block within me and a physical lightness I had not known for a long time. Also a deep-seated calmness remained with me making me feel good about living. I was delighted to find you Amelie, that I could experience the power of your healing.  – Anonymous

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Amelie’s sessions enabled me to accept the past and learn to step confidently into creating a new future, one without the old perceptions of my past. I am grateful for the clearings and for sharing your wisdom.  – Donna, Ontario

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When I went to Amelie I was feeling a sense of despair and hopelessness. Through the energy healing sessions I started to experience a sense of peace and calm that I have not had before. I am grateful and thankful for the experience with Amelie and look forward to continuing on my healing journey with her. – D., British Columbia

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I want to tell you what changes I have noticed for the last few days. Most of them inside me. I found I am more peaceful, I have more optimism and a general zest for life. I seem to have more inner strength and a more assertive approach. The gloomy, darker mood that was often with me vanished, my level of happiness is way up! Thank you very much! There is a sense of hope restored. On the outside, I noticed a few occasions that my intuition worked well and some small synchronicity cases where I placed myself at the very right time and place. THANK YOU again. – Jakob, British Columbia

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Amelie, you have helped me conquer some of my deep down fears and I thank you for that. You have an amazing talent. I was one of the skeptical for distance healing, but you have proved me wrong. The emotions you have helped me clear up have helped me advance in my personal life as well as my career. You are amazing! Thank You. – Karine, British Columbia

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I was embarrassed to admit I was considering trying this energy healing. I had always thought it was laughable. I realized I had no reason not to try. I was the only one who would know I tried it and I had no reason to be embarrassed about trying to improve my life. During the work, I felt immense relief daily. I was constantly amazed at how light and happy I felt. I would recommend working with you to anyone who feels stuck, who feels like they have exhausted all other forms of therapy, or who, like me, have talked their problems to death and have still not been able to let it all go. – Steph, British Columbia

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I think I was at the point of desperation to get myself unstuck as I have already done so much healing with other modalities, or maybe it was just intuition that brought me to you. Intuitively I felt like it was the right thing and I felt like I could trust you. Either way I’m glad I said yes.

No longer feeling stuck and unable to move forward in my business. I notice that I am less triggered with certain things. I feel lighter in a weird sort of way. Can’t really describe. It’s a different feeling than I have noticed from other healings. – Audrey, British Columbia

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Working with Amelie has been such a blessing. My overall mood and my outlook on life has improved considerably. Many of us are roaming this planet carrying a raft of emotional injuries and wounds. I don’t feel so burdened by them anymore. – Bruce, British Columbia

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I was very impressed by the pinpoint precision in which Amelie was able to read my inner thoughts/feelings/traumas. – Aaron, British Columbia

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Amelie, i have met you at the time when things were very dark in my life, feeling surrounded by a lot of negative emotions of loneliness, despair, hopelessness. After your healing sessions i could feel a shift within me, a shift towards positivity; I truly became a better version of myself where light came through. My friends have noticed the change and are in awe with the transformation. Thank you Amelie for helping me take my life back, i feel joy, happiness i see my worth, i love everything about life now. – M. A., British Columbia

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I was honestly was a little apprehensive and nervous and skeptical that this type of spiritual healing could work. But after a conversation with Amelie, it got me excited about this healing journey. The most positive outcome I experienced after our 3 sessions is that I have an inner freedom from the deep resentment towards my husband.. I have clarity and insight now that I never had before and can physically feel the change inside me…it is hard to explain… but I feel like a presence somehow that was living within is no longer there? The inner sickness from my codependency feels like it has been shattered! I have freedom… fear is gone.. Thank-you Amelie!I was honestly was a little apprehensive and nervous and skeptical that this type of spiritual healing could work. But after a conversation with Amelie, it got me excited about this healing journey. The most positive outcome I experienced after our 3 sessions is that I have an inner freedom from the deep resentment towards my husband.. I have clarity and insight now that I never had before and can physically feel the change inside me…it is hard to explain… but I feel like a presence somehow that was living within is no longer there? The inner sickness from my codependency feels like it has been shattered! I have freedom… fear is gone.. Thank-you Amelie! – Susanne, British Columbia

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Amelie has helped me to heal layer upon layer of resistance, of pain, of grief, that has been there for years. She has helped me to connect with my inner self, my higher spirit to help me to let go and release my negative emotions and patterns. It felt like there was a wall around me that started to break up piece by piece, liberating me and giving me a sense of peace.She is a true healer, with a a beautiful gift of helping people transform their lives at a very deep level. I am deeply grateful for her help, that I experienced both in person with her and by distance. Healing is a very spiritual journey that connects me back to my spirit, my true self. It is the journey home. Thank you Amelie for helping me go back home to myself.Amelie has helped me to heal layer upon layer of resistance, of pain, of grief, that has been there for years. She has helped me to connect with my inner self, my higher spirit to help me to let go and release my negative emotions and patterns. It felt like there was a wall around me that started to break up piece by piece, liberating me and giving me a sense of peace.She is a true healer, with a a beautiful gift of helping people transform their lives at a very deep level. I am deeply grateful for her help, that I experienced both in person with her and by distance. Healing is a very spiritual journey that connects me back to my spirit, my true self. It is the journey home. Thank you Amelie for helping me go back home to myself. – Anonymous

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‘ I was very skeptical yet hopeful at first. Skeptical because I have heard of many people that claimed to be intuitive healers that don’t really have the ability and that many of them were just trying to scam people. I was hopeful because I know my family has been having problems that no other kind of healer can help with and encouraged me to work with you. I believe true healers with the ability exists, but they are not easy to come by and it is very lucky that one is able to find them in times of need. I now feel lighter, like weights have been lifted off my shoulder, and less crippled with fear. I still fear many things, but I no longer have scary visions. I also have a more positive mindset and I no longer hate myself as much as I used to. I have learned that I am flawed, but that is not a mortal sin or a fault so large that I shouldn’t exist. These sessions have helped me tremendously with me accepting myself and my situation. I have become a better, more positive person, and my normal day to day functions were no longer laden with fear.’ – Mai, Vietnam

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I thought it was an unconventional way to heal (compared to talk therapy) and didn’t know what to expect or the outcome. I was amazed at how you were able to tap into my past events in my life and clear negative energy. I felt comfortable with your calm demeanour and helpful guidance during the 3 healing sessions. I think your process is very powerful. I feel that a heaviness has been lifted from my body and have more clarity to move positively forward in my life. Thanks again Amelie! – Janis, British Columbia

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I did not know exactly what spiritual healing was. I was curious to find out. At the same time, I had a vague sense of it being weird or out there, and probably not for me, a rather rational person. But there was a kind of a force inside me who pushed me, despite my reluctance to take the steps to try it. After the sessions, I felt lighter as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulder, The internal struggles and the patterns I wrestled with, seem to lose their importance and their grip. They did not matter anymore. The most significative outcome was feeling that healing happens on a spiritual level and to open up to it. It lead me to “know” that trying to heal alone by myself is not possible, it only make you hit a wall. – Anonymous

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There are no words that can describe how powerful and significant this experience has been for me. I’ve experienced tremendous healing emotionally and physically. There is comfort in the sessions in the way it brings about understanding of how I was feeling. – Anna, British Columbia

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Before booking, I was somewhat hesitant to the accuracy of insights and also had concerns regarding value vs cost. However, it’s uncanny how accurate your comments rang true to how I feel and to the challenges I have felt over many years. I think the sessions were amazing, highly recommend for anyone considering to try! – Barb, British Columbia

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After the sessions the unexplained sadness and melancholy I used to feel disappeared. I no longer feel held by the past and no longer feel unworthy. And the dosage of my stress medication was reduced by almost half. I found your attitude very professional and your healing and notes have helped me realize where I needed growth. Thank you. – Eiman, Pakistan

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I’ve had several shifts already resulting from the healing work you did. Old feelings of hurt/unwantedness have passed and I’ve experienced deep clarity into some things that I want. I’ve noticed that I feel more excited and happy about what’s happening in my life and about what’s to come where before I felt more overwhelmed and unsure. I’ve also had insights into fears and some false beliefs that I’ve been holding onto. Thanks very much for the work you’ve done.’ – Tawny, British Columbia

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Amelie, I cannot deny that something “shifted” over the weekend. I felt both tired and relaxed. I found that people who were normally standoffish were more friendly towards me. Her evaluations, times and dates were dead on. Got an insecurity monkey off of my back and don’t fret over previous problems. Kinda like seeing more clearly now that the rain has gone. Obstacles still there. Minus the self-blame and self-hate. – Doug, British Columbia

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I recommend your services a 100%. You are a very talented and gifted spiritual person. You have helped me understand negative beliefs about myself. Through the session, you have released many of the blockages. I also met a wonderful man, so I am very excited about that.’ – Dasa, British Columbia

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I’ve noticed that I am more confident in speaking my truth and putting my needs first. Less of seeking approval from others and I’ve been feeling less resentful. – Jeanny, California

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I was desperate to help my son who has mental health and addiction issues, and was looking for ways to help him. He has uncontrollable rage and tends to damage things when he is angry. We had to tell him the bad news about his driver’s license because ICBC sent a letter to say that they want his driver’s license and he cannot drive for 2 months. We needed to make sure that negative energies are removed from him as much as possible before we tell him the bad news. We didn’t want him to become angry and upset. With Amelie’s help and suggestion to remove the inherited negative energies from my son thru us, his parents, seemed like a great solution. My husband told him the bad news and he was calm. He accepted the bad news without any rage or any incident. – Anonymous

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I approached Amelie at a point where I was deeply distressed, exhausted, overwhelmed with everything going around in that stage of my life. Letting her start her healing process helped in many ways in reaching out to the sour points in my past, be aware of them and work around healing them. – Dahlia, British Columbia

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You are Fabulous!!! Truly gifted! Nailed every aspect of my past with issues I was having. Thank you. Love & Light – Anonymous, British Columbia

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Amelie’s work is at a level of which I am just becoming aware. She has zeroed in on specific points in time and issues that resonate for me. Reflecting together on these times and their meaning has helped me gain perspective and insight. – Cory, Oregon

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I wasn’t sure what to expect from the healing sessions. On the other hand, I was at the end of my tether because I was having the worst eczema flare up ever. I didn’t have eczema before, but there I was, with eczema on my face and it was infected, itchy and refusing to go away for the last few months. Within 3 sessions, together with diet control and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the eczema seems to under control. Other than that, I feel an undercurrent of peace. – Sook Han, Singapore

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I think one of the most positive outcomes I experienced was a greater awareness of what and why I’ve been feeling the way I have and not just for me. Understanding more about my parents and their parents through generational healing was incredibly positive and influential. – Stephanie, British Columbia

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I had done some spiritual healing work prior to working together however I hadn’t done any work quite as in depth as we did. It was exactly what I needed and I am very grateful to have found you. I think the acknowledgment that there was energy clearing that needed to happen in order for me to move forward. Before our work together I felt stuck and now I feel much clearer and trusting of myself. – Carmen, British Columbia

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The most positive outcome for me was an overall feeling of balance. Everything felt extremely out of balance for me, however, since the sessions, my emotions haven’t
been running rampant, I’m sleeping better, and I feel an overall sense of calmness
that I didn’t feel before. – Alison, British Columbia

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Amelie is a wonderful, experienced and gifted healer. I have worked with her many times throughout the years, and would highly recommend her. – Almira, British Columbia

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I feel that given my life experiences and traumas, Amelie did a wonderful job. – Angela, British Columbia

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I think it is a very important step for anyone who wants to seriously improve their future and their self understanding. First you have to understand the past and let it go, before you can move on in healthier ways. – Ari, British Columbia

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I sought Amelie to perform a spiritual healing as part of my journey to create a better version of my self. Amelie’s remote readings really provided insights that have helped me understand my emotions/perceptions. I noticed subtle changes like feeling lighter, better sleep and positive energy. She was helpful in providing explanations to questions and approachable. – Arti, British Columbia

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I am impressed by the results and look forward to continued healing. – Carla, British Columbia

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Before the sessions I was feeling very apprehensive about an upcoming family gathering. I was experiencing anxiety and worry about my ability to deal adequately with
the emotions the gathering would bring. After the first session, I felt a huge weight being lifted from my body and I felt grounded. The relief was so powerful I, I knew I would be able to deal with whatever came my way. And indeed, I was. Thank you Amélie for freeing me from emotional burden, for your kindness and for the after sessions follow-ups. Thank you for helping me find my inner strength. – Danielle, British Columbia

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Since session one I started to notice changes mentally and physically. I understood
feelings I wasn’t able to before and could let go easily. I enjoyed my sessions with Amelie. She always made me feel welcome. She’s amazing at what she does. – Ireri, British Columbia

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Amelie is a very intuitive, spiritual, knowledgeable, compassionate, and helpful energy healer. I felt like I was in very good hands as she brought up many things from my past to confront and think about from different perspectives. And she also pinpointed areas where I could make changes in my life. I was fascinated by her process and how she repeatedly identified and “cleared” specific events from my past that she couldn’t actually know about, right down to the approximate year the events occurred. It felt very specific to me and my personal experiences. She also gave
me additional information and tools to use outside of the sessions, which I really 
appreciated. If you’re looking for an energy healer who knows her stuff to help you with your journey, look no further. – Jason, British Columbia

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I am now patient and understanding with my husband. He started the healing sessions sooner than he had planned when he could see how it was helping me. I wish I had found Amelie a long time ago!! – Jodie, British Columbia

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Amelie, i have met you at the time when things were very dark in my life, feeling surrounded by a lot of negative emotions of loneliness, despair, hopelessness. After
your healing sessions i could feel a shift within me, a shift towards positivity; I truly became a better version of myself where light came through. My friends have noticed the change and are in awe with the transformation. Thank you Amelie for helping me take my life back, i feel joy, happiness i see my worth, i love everything about life now. – Madalina, British Columbia

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Thank you Amelie for this life changing experience. I completed my 3 sessions and I
have 3 more to complete. I feel and actually am lighter because I am letting go of
my past and daily irritation of small things do not irritate me at all. Negative thoughts have decreased substantially. I have more gratitude for what I have in life. I am getting better at bringing myself back to the present moment instead of spiralling down in extreme negative emotions. I still have a ways to go but I know that I am on the right track. Once again, thank you Amelie for being ever so kind and care enough to follow up with me after my sessions. – Mandeep, British Columbia

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I have definitely felt calmer and less reactive when faced with situations interpreted as being emotionally stressful. There were so many blockages, and you’ve helped me clear so much… I’m living with less fear in my heart, and going forward each day with greater clarity, peace and gratitude. – Nancy, British Columbia

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I do not think of my past disappointments as I use to. Understand some of the issue
s more clearly and why I felt this way. Anonymous

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I feel genuinely lighter and more confident as a result of my sessions. I am finally starting my business and feeling in my power for the first time in my life. There
was also some very important information shared to me by Amelie regarding my person
al energy, which has now taught me ways to protect it and how important that is. – Samantha, British Columbia

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I feel more confident and love myself more after the sessions. I have a deeper understanding of myself, especially my emotions. For those who are skeptical and hesitate about whether or not to come to these sessions, you should give a try. You can feel the difference from the very first sessin. The experience from those sessions are so unique that you won’t experience elsewhere. – Tran, British Columbia

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There is hope for a “lighter” version of yourself. After my healing sessions I feel a sense of lightness and joy that comes from within me. It is a special gift to give oneself, to find such a healer that can assist in a healing journey with eternal benefits. I interned to book more sessions! – Wendy, British Columbia

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Since starting my sessions, I have started new activities, and so many other improvements…
I’m always skeptical, but I’m seeing some good changes. – E., British Columbia

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