chakra balancing online course
Chakra Balancing & Clearing Online Course
Self-led program that will help you develop a deep, practical, and effective self-healing practice
to radically transform your life
Dive into deep personal healing through Chakra clearing work
In this program, you’ll learn to explore the hidden realms of yourself and heal core hidden blocks so you can experience lasting inner peace, harmonious relationships and increased intuition.
This course equips people with a simple and transformative process designed to help you pinpoint and release unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs, and alleviate toxic dynamics.
Through this step-by-step guided program, you’ll be given daily practices and tools so that you can learn to both identify your blocks with precision, and release them effortlessly.
This means you’ll no longer relive painful memories, and you’ll release emotions that have been stuck in your system for years.
When you release unresolved emotions from your energy field you can start to :
- express your feelings and your needs clearly and free from guilt
- let go of resentment towards people and situations you have no control over
- reduce your fears and move through them
- create stronger bonds and better intimacy in your romantic relationship
- find creative solutions, inspiration and motivation to reorient your career
- reduce your level of anxiety and regain trust in yourself and your ability to face life’s trials
- free yourself from repeating undesirable patterns and sabotaging your progre

Included free:
- Using a pendulum to access your subconscious mind
- How to uncover trapped emotions
- List of common trapped emotions
- How to uncover limiting beliefs
- List of common limiting beliefs
- How to uncover unproductive dynamics
- List of unproductive dynamics
Access the Root Chakra module of my Chakra balancing program for free!
Or get access to everything right away for only $97 CAD
What will I learn?
The course is delivered inside this website through video recordings and written material. All handouts are available in printable format and audios can be downloaded.
- Overview of the Chakras with a handy table for quick reference
- A video tutorial teaching you how to scan your Chakras
- A video tutorial showing you how to use a pendulum to access your subconscious mind
- A guide to understanding the trapped emotions, limiting beliefs and dynamics associated with each of the Chakras, along with journal prompts and self-care ritual ideas to support ongoing healing for each Chakra
- A step-by-step written inquiry process showing you how to identify trapped emotions, along with a list of 130 emotions so that you can get really specific. Specificity is important.
- A step-by-step written limiting belief inquiry process and list of 350 beliefs, to help pinpoint all of the areas that need questioning.
- A how-to for understanding non-beneficial (toxic) issues and dynamics along with a written inquiry process to help you identify and release toxic relationship dynamics. This is accompanied by a list of 135 dynamics to help you specifically identify what you need to work on.
- Daily healing mantras you can use to support healing each of the Chakras (56 written healing mantras + 7 healing audio downloads)
- A video tutorial sharing 4 energetic clearing techniques you can begin to use to clear negative energy in your body and energy field
- A written self-care assessment tool, with journal prompts, to aid you in the creation of a more balanced, energetically-clear life
- A complete list of balancing gemstones you can work with to support each Chakras and to add a bit of beauty and magic into your life
- 4 powerful questions to go deeper into your inquiry process so you can release even more layers of unresolved energies
- 2 Guided meditations to strengthen the connection with your Soul
How does it work?
Access your subconscious through dowsing and the use of a pendulum
Every event is recorded in the subconscious mind and can be accessed using different psychic skills and body awareness skills. These abilities are innate in everyone and can be learned quickly and easily. Our body is always communicating with us but we haven’t learned its language or paid attention to its signals.
Awareness is the first step towards creating the necessary change for healing.
Understand and use basic energy medicine principals
Energy medicine or energy healing is based on the premise that everything is energy. And that the subtle energy field around the body and underlying our biology (call it aura, subtle organizing energy fields, electromagnetic fields, bioenergy field…) can become imbalanced by emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental factors and in turn negatively affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. By extracting the energetic imbalances, we can restore this field and in turn positively affect and change our body, mind, and spirit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
All levels are welcomed. No previous meditation or intuitive skills are necessary.
A pendulum and a journal will be required as well as the ability to print some or all of the handouts
The course is accessible through my website
- The content is delivered through a mix of videos and written information. All handouts can be easily downloaded and printed. Audio files can be downloaded.
- There is no set time commitment per say, but you should try to put aside one hour, once or twice a week, to do an inquiry process and clearing.
- The healing scripts are good to do on a daily basis and only take 2 minutes.
- The guided meditations (which are approximately 5 minutes) can also be done on a daily basis if you choose to, or whenever you have time (preferably two to three times a week).
- There is also a guided shamanic journey that can be done as part of the inquiry process and clearing or on its own. I have made it available in two lengths – 10 minute and 20 minute.
- Writing prompts and self-care rituals are optional. Should you wish to incorporate this into your routine could be done in 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The course is designed for all skill levels. You do not need any specific psychic skills or experience in meditation. The course will help you develop your intuition.
Due to the nature of digital products I am unable to offer refunds.
Course Overview
- Overview of the Chakras
- Scanning your Chakras
- Using a pendulum to access your subconscious mind
- Trapped emotions inquiry process
- Limiting beliefs inquiry process
- Issues and dynamics inquiry process
- Clearing methods
- Self-care assessment
- Creating your vision of balance
- The seven stages of power and healing
- Healing scripts for each of the Chakras
- Related gemstones for each of the Chakras
- List of common trapped emotions for each of the Chakras
- List of limiting beliefs for each of the Chakras
- List of dynamics for each of the Chakras
- Advanced inquiry process

Included free:
- Using a pendulum to access your subconscious mind
- How to uncover trapped emotions
- List of common trapped emotions
- How to uncover limiting beliefs
- List of common limiting beliefs
- How to uncover unproductive dynamics
- List of unproductive dynamics
Access the Root Chakra module of my Chakra balancing program for free!
Or get access to everything right away for only $97 CAD