How will I feel after spiritual healing?
Once you complete a spiritual healing session you can expect to feel less stressed or anxious. The effects may feel subtle at first, as your energy adjusts and resettles after our session.
Depending on what blocks are being removed or worked on, you could experience a release of pent up emotion or notice physical chronic pain and symptoms start to fade away.
You may notice you feel more energized, and have a greater sense of connection to your life and those around you. You might notice a feeling of greater connection with the universe, and a stronger sense of purpose or belonging.
Although every client and every session is unique, here are some feedback received after an energy clearing session with me.
''I have noticed big differences, like today, I was able to run errands for myself without second guessing leaving the house or feeling anxious about being out and doing things alone. It might sound small, but it felt really good!''
''Overall, I’ve had a noticeable improvement in the anxiety I was experiencing as soon as I was waking up before. The itchiness has also gone down significantly but I am still getting some digestion issues here and there.''
''Lately, I have been putting my own feelings first, and trying to worry less about how making good choices and setting boundaries for myself will make others feel. And I haven't been kept up at night replaying things in my head, or feeling anxiety over things that definitely would've bothered me in the past.''
''I feel pretty good this week. I feel a sense of relief for some reason. and I feel happier than usual- even though at work and in my relationship not much has improved - except my attitude I guess!''
''I do feel some new clarity and little more of calmness. I’ve not experienced anything drastic. However I could relate to all the feelings and emotions that could have been stuck especially relating my father.''
''This session definitely brought in some feelings. For a few days I felt - my heart felt full. Like previously as if it was dented and imploded and now it was filled in. I had an overwhelming feeling of love: like as if I felt in love with somebody but only I didn’t (because I don’t have a partner yet) and I had this fullness as is without anyone having to trigger it. Feeling very grounded and in love. And this feeling is new and overwhelming - never had it.''
Is spiritual healing right for you?
Everyone can benefit from this type of work. Spiritual healing can give you more clarity on where you are in your life and remove certain energetic obstacles that are in your way, so that you can emotionally and spiritually move forward in your life.
If you’re unsure, or want to know more about spiritual healing, I offer a lot cost mini reading to give you insight into your spiritual well being. These readings will also give you an idea of what it’s like to work with me on your spiritual wellness journey.
It’s time to invest in your healing. Book your mini reading with me today.
''I spoke to my Mom today on the phone as she lives in another province. It was a good test for me. It felt different talking to her. She was the same but the way I was listening and not responding poorly was much improved..''
''I do feel a lot more sure of myself and very naturally are feeling comfortable putting my own interests and safety first. SOmething I may have wanted to do for a long long time, but was previously unaware of, then unable to, then uncomfortable and scared to do, but now being able to take baby steps and do that. I've been feeling a lot more at ease to have uncomfortable conversations with my friends or people who are part of my life in different roles- at work etc. A month or two ago, I would have thought about these conversations, but been totally unable to have to and then just let them slide. I do also see myself being able to be more expressive in the moment and show my love and affection, say the things I would normally only think about saying, but actually saying them out loud now, without fearing being vulnerable.''
'I definitely feel lighter. Always had issue of keeping my house tidy and organized (always had the lack of ability in organizing) but its been 4 days that I kept everything the way it was suppose to be. Feeling open towards people I was avoiding! Had thoughts of forgiveness towards my mother in law for certain situations that happened in past. Overall I feel calm and having less rage.'
'I seem to have more sense of clarity and strength. Been able to make some big decisions feeling strong and clear about them. My life has seemed to come more into focus and i can see my path more clearly. 'I felt a wave of joy and overall love. It was a love and acceptance I felt for myself, like I have not before.'
The following changes are what I have noticed this week: 1. Improved sleep patterns with vivid dreams. 2. Feeling more peace and focus in general. 3. Having courage to express how I truly feel and say no when needed. 4. A few emotional traumas from childhood still surfaced during my daily meditation but they were less intense. I was more willing to face my emotions and let that go. 5. I started to realize I need to take responsibility and reclaim my own power and be more compassionate towards myself and people.
''The last week has been going pretty well each day has been getting more better. The changes that I have noticed are improvements on my moods.''
''I feel like I’m doing a lot of clearing and purging of old that doesn’t serve me, and really grounding into my self-worth and overflow of self-worth. I’m also getting lots of clarity into areas that I can soften into, now. I’m not holding onto anger and pain from the past. I feel calmer; that’s for sure.''
''I feel calm this week again, I've been sleeping well and I even noticed people smiling and being friendlier.''
''The last couple of days have been interesting. I feel lighter and less burdened. I’m not sure how to describe it other than that. It has been a little bit more emotional with a couple of things coming up, but they pass quite quickly.''
''So far, I’ve noticed that both my digestive system and mood seem much calmer, more relaxed. I’ve been able to go with the flow, instead of becoming frazzled or impatient. It feels like a layer (or layers!) of malcontent have been removed.''
''I want to tell you that since your first session I feel light, calm, at peace. I want to thank you with all my soul for helping me find myself.''
''I noticed a decrease in tension in my body. Especially my neck, shoulders, upper back. I also feel overall more physically relaxed and lighter. This has enabled me to work more efficiently at work and enjoy my work more. I feel able to concentrate and focus.''
It’s time for you
Are you ready for spiritual healing? I can help you clear stuck emotions, fear and pain, so you can live with greater peace and clarity.