Clarity & Intuition
The gemstones you need are Scolecite, Herkimer Diamond and Kyanite.
Scolecite is a strong aid in communication, especially with Spirit. It awakens the heart and provides deep inner peace. Scolecite stimulates the upper Chakras. It is known to assist with spiritual transformation.
Kyanite is known for stimulating the Third Eye Chakra and for aligning the chakras. It enhances most aspects of psychic development and promotes spiritual growth.
Clarity and intuition come more easily when our mind is relaxed and free enough to receive subtle impressions.
Herkimer Diamond helps us to recognize our inner essence, our spirit self and to embody more of that essence. The more we surrender and allow our spirit self to guide our life, the easier it is to recognize the signs and guidance being offered. Herkimer Diamond also enhance a state of being (instead of doing) where spontaneity becomes more natural. Herkimer Diamonds also helps one to feel and more attuned to others and the environment you find yourself in. It can also dissipate fear and energies that have been suppressed.
Clairvoyance, clairaudience, prescience and telepathy are also stimulated by both Herkimer Diamond and Kyanite.
Combining Herkimer Diamond, Scolecite and Kyanite would be excellent to increase psychic abilities. Just be careful not to carry them together as the hardness of the Herkimer might damage the Kyanite and the Scolecite.