Root Chakra Trapped Emotions Inquiry
First, we’ll start exploring trapped emotions. Make sure you there are no distractions around you and that you feel rested and grounded.
Take your journal, write Root Chakra and the date at the top of the page. By keeping a record of the information you uncover, you will be able to discover patterns.
Trapped Emotions Inquiry Process
- Do I hold any of the trapped emotions listed in the Root Chakra handout? Yes-No scale
- If yes, ask which emotion from the list. Then ask if there is another one until you have a list of all emotions. 1-50 scale
- Do I need additional information in order to be able to clear the emotion? Yes-No scale
- If no, proceed to question #3
- If yes : Do I need to know when this emotion crystallized in my being?
- If yes, ask : When approximately has this emotion first crystallized in my being? Timeframe scale
- Do I need to know how many of those emotions I am holding in the Root Chakra? Yes-No scale
- If yes, proceed to figure out an approximate number. 1-50 scale or ask a series of questions such as: Am I holding …more than 50? More than 100, etc…
- If no, you may need to find out what else you need to know about this emotion. You may need to meditate or continue asking questions using your pendulum for feedback.
- Which method do I need to use to clear that/those emotions? Method scale
List Of Emotions Commonly Found In The Root Chakra
1 – Fear
3 – Insecurity
5 – Vulnerability
7 – Broken Trust
9 – Abuse
11 – Feeling Abandoned
13 – Feeling Isolated
15 – Feeling Unsafe
17 – Lack of Direction
19 – Fear of Making a Mistake
21 – Contradiction
23 – Feeling Trapped
25 – Rage
27 – Hopelessness
29 – Feeling unwanted
31 – Alone / lonely
33 – Resentment
2 – Feeling Undeserving
4 – Cautious
6 – Grief
8 – Sorrow
10 – Regret
12 – Terror
14 – Lack of Control
16 – Powerlessness
18 – Guilt
20 – Shock
22 – Hatred
24 – Greed
26 – Panic
28 – Anxiety
30 – Feeling incapable
32 – Feeling stuck
34 – Worry