Root Chakra Dynamics Inquiry

This section is a little more complex and may require you to spend time in contemplation and self-reflection in order to understand how these dynamics may play out in your life.

There are many factors that cause and contribute to these non-beneficial dynamics which cannot all be addressed in this program. However, by looking into the underlying emotions and beliefs you can diffuse a lot of the energies that fuel these non-beneficial dynamics. By releasing the fuel you slowly start to change the situations you attract in your life and you slowly improve your response to what happens.


Non-Beneficial Dynamics Inquiry Process

  1. Taking into consideration the issues and dynamics listed in the Root Chakra handout, which one is restricting my Root Chakra? 1-50 scale orTaking into consideration the issues and dynamics listed in the Root Chakra handout, which one is restricting my full potential? 1-50 scale
  2. To what degree is that dynamic negatively affecting my life and overall well-being on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst and 0 being not affecting my life at all? 0-10 scale
  3.  Are there underlying or related trapped emotions to this dynamic? Yes-No scale
    • If yes, ask which emotion from the list. Then ask if there is another one until you have a list of all emotions) 1-50 scale
  4. Are there any limiting beliefs from the list that relate to this dynamic? Yes-No scale

    • If yes, ask which one from the list. Then ask if there is another one until you have identified all beliefs. 1-50 scale (You may also ask if there are related beliefs found in other handouts) Ask how many layers of this belief you are holding. 1-50 scale
  5. Which method do I need to use to clear that/those emotions? Method scale


List Of Dynamics Related To The Root Chakra

1 – Abandonment issues

3 – Feeling you don’t belong or fit in

5 – Childhood traumas (divorce / moving / school / disease / inoculation / accident / birth / death / witness to / other)

7 – Family dynamics (first child / middle child / youngest child / rivalry / other)

9 – Unresolved issue(s) with (mother / father / sibling(s) / other family member(s) )

11 – Parental issues or blame (unreturned love / abuse / neglect / abandonment / separation anxiety / lack of bonding / feeling responsible for / jealousy / cording / overbearing / other)

13 – Ancestral influences

15 – Mobility issues

2 – Financial difficulties (attracting / receiving / saving / managing / planning / spending wisely / other)

4 – Disconnection with Earth and nature

6 – Not wanting to be in a body or incarnated

8 – Religious (religion or belief system is too limiting or rigid / provides inadequate support / is harmful / instills shame / lack of belief system or spiritual practice / other)

10 – Cultural (thought pollution / cultural differences / too limiting or rigid / restricts openmindedness / other)

12 – Mistrust

14 – Lack of security

16 – Other


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